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ManHood in GQ magazine

GQ ManHood

Ah, There's the Rub

Have you lost that lovin' feelin'? Perhaps your unmentionables are rubbing you the wrong way. The root of the problem, says Randy Tymkin, president of the Winnipeg, Manitoba, company R&C Associates, is circumcision, which robs the unknowing infant male of his natural penile protection against heat and cold and causes desensitization from exposure. His company's solution: the ManHood, a socklike polyester surrogate for your purloined foreskin that is worn during the waking hours.

"I feel it's the child's choice—let them decide," says an irate Tymkin of the question of whether to circumcise newborn males. (He advocates delaying the procedure until the child can voice his opinion.)

Tymkin has already shipped thousands of ManHood orders to circumcised men around the globe. Tymkin describes his own unit's sybaritic response to the ManHood as "unreal."