Instructions : Almost Restored

Dear Valued Customer,

Congratulations! You’re almost there, but without a frenulum bar, the parts of the penile glans will still become exposed from movement during activity or increased blood flow from sexual excitement or nocturnal erections. Being nearly covered you will not need Manhood 24/7 but in the times when you loathe being irritated, remember there is comfort in wearing the ManHood. This means you can go about your daily life without the distractions of an irritated penis and the need to pull at your groin will no longer be necessary. Whether you are playing sports, planning for sexual activity, or sleeping, the ManHood will ensure you are not irritated when the penile glans peaks out of its new protection. Simply push the shaft skin forward on the glans and fasten ManHood at the base of your penis using the Velcro tabs.

The original and restoring ManHood will both retain the foreskin on top of your glans and comfort any exposed glans that slips out of the protection of your foreskin. The ManHood will also comfort any exposed penile glans from bedding or clothing during a nocturnal erection and you will not be awakened by the irritation they cause. I was amazed to wake up one morning with the ManHood keeping me completely covered even through the nocturnal erection, and again protecting any uncovered portions so you sleep peacefully through the night.

manhoodIn the photo, you can also see how the skin is held on the penile glans (24/7) and how the uncovered portions of the penile glans is protected from clothing or bedding by the ManHood. During the nocturnal erection, this coverage is maintained and the ManHood again protects any uncovered portions so you sleep peacefully through the night.

1) Simply push or pinch the loose foreskin on the glans and fasten ManHood at the base of the penis.

2) To keep ManHood from slipping please ensure the bottom of the penis is entirely inside the ManHood before securing. You can lift the penis and pull the bottom of the ManHood up closer to the base after fastening.

3) Your ManHood may seem small when it first arrives because there is some excitement dressing your penis however the size of your penis when out of sight is the size we want to fit. As your penis gets used to being dressed this excitement will decrease and your penis easier to fit. This is important to remember; the ManHood can be manually stretched larger if too tight on delivery but be careful not to overstretch. Pull in all directions with little force if a small stretch is needed to a stronger pull if a larger size is needed. Initially, there may be a little discomfort to the size changes in your penis but the ManHood will stretch out as it warms up to form and fit your penis more comfortably as it ages.

manhoodBoth the original and restoring ManHood will work in the same manner by protecting the penile glans from irritation while minimizing odor. It is simply a preference for different situations in your life that set them apart. Like one for activity and the other for leisure or sleeping. Like a foreskin, the ManHoods two layers insulate the penile glans natural heat maintaining a normal body temperature. This provides warmth and moisture many times more than when your penis is left naked rubbing against your clothing. Actually, you will feel the warmth the ManHood foreskin provides your glans when it is in your hand while urinating, something any underwear will not do.

Put the original ManHood in your pocket and rub it in your fingers throughout the day and feel how baby-bottom smooth ManHood is and how the two layers rub together protecting your penis from the irritation it now endures. The outside layer of this stretch ManHood will begin to show the wear your penis used to endure; however, the inside of ManHood will remain soft and smooth as it is protected by the outside layer.

The restoring ManHood’s soft and smooth inner layer will grip your skin helping hold it silently on your glans. The restoring ManHood’s outer layer will absorb the friction in your groin and leave the inner layer to lay quietly on your glans. The outer color will eventually wash away on the restoring ManHood leaving you with a soft skin-like fabric that actually gets better as it feels more like skin as it ages.

You will smell the smegma that is produced under the ManHood if you go a few days without washing the ManHood. Smegma has a sweet smell if you have a good diet. Understanding smegma is a combination of naturally occurring antibiotic urethra secretions, dead skin cells, and urine driblets that create a lubricant when trapped under the foreskin/ManHood. This lubricant allows the foreskin to slide smoothly over the penile glans in movement or masturbation. Intact men at times will produce a cheese-like substance but this is more from lack of cleaning under the foreskin for longer periods of time and will also contain sperm, giving it the bitter taste and cheesy look when combined with the other secretions. The original ManHood will have a similar smell but less so because of its absorbent qualities.

As we age the prostate weakens causing urine dribble, the original ManHood will absorb the occasional urine dribble saving you from that embarrassing wet spot on the trousers. Or, try our Drip Dry ManHood that will absorb even more dribble than the original. But again, both the Drip Dry and the original ManHood will solve this problem and you will be thankful you are wearing it. Please educate your friends.

The ManHood may initially feel constricting on the nocturnal erection until the ManHood learns the stretch to accommodate it. If the ManHood is too tight while an erection is occurring, the ManHood should be loosened or consider ordering a larger size for sleeping on reorder. Since ManHood’s are handcrafted not all the ManHood’s are exact in size as the Velcro placement or cut may be slightly different. This will mean you may prefer one or the other for sleeping and need to experiment to find which ManHood will accommodate the often-intense nocturnal erection best. These erections may cause your ManHood to stretch out over time but this happens with most stretchable fabrics. However, most ManHoods do not stretch out too large as many ManHood’s have lasted many months. This is exceptional of a product with everyday use. The wear and tear the ManHood encounters daily will help show you how much friction your naked glans used to tolerate.

Consider the glans penis is at its highest sensitivity level during the intense nocturnal erection (Viagra x2) and is irritated touching bedding or clothing. The irritated glans will cause one to wake to change position and relieve the irritation. If the nocturnal erection does not cause you to move to relieve the irritation, then your glans has already formed a surface to protect it from being irritated. As your penile glans becomes more sensitive the ManHood will help you will sleep peacefully. I personally like the original for sleeping as the pillow-like softness and elastic-like stretch never disappoint me.

Remember, the penile glans is an internal organ, and what would happen to our eye if we removed the eyelid because blinking was a waste of time. And then kept poking our finger in it. Well, sooner or later our eye would look like our fingertip. The same way the penile glans will eventually look like the inside of our hand if we use them for masturbating too often. The more damaged the hand the more damaged the penile glans, as the glans forms even a thicker surface to keep from being irritated. If you are single there are many soft inexpensive masturbation devices available today. is very fair. If you have a partner, try and refrain from masturbating and become more romantic as you get more sensitive wearing a ManHood. If possible, think about restoring your foreskin as the ManHood will eventually hold the newly stretched skin on the glans, from a quarter coverage to eventually full coverage, 24/7. Faster than most realize and years before the skin will stay there on its own.

Of most importance, if you use a tanning bed, the ManHoods two layers are your best defense against nerve-killing, wrinkle-causing UV rays. Without tan lines. Many underwear fabrics are porous and do not protect from UV.

ManHood’s outer layer can also be sprayed with your favorite scent if desired and released each time you use the washroom.

Wear and Care Instructions

1) Snug it on but not too tight as too tight may cause a pinching of the skin when you sit down. Fasten carefully ensuring the Velcro tab is directly on top of the counter tab or the overlapping Velcro will contact your skin and irritate it. Refasten if necessary.

2) Before fastening ensure the Velcro is not grabbing the fabric as this flap of fabric keeps the Velcro away from the skin.

3) Until you become accustomed to wearing ManHood please wear boxers that fit tightly to your thighs, or wear standard briefs to ensure you never lose a ManHood. If you are an avid boxer user be sure to use the safety ribbon.

4) Stretch the ManHood larger if the Velcro tab touches the skin when fastened.

5) Wear the proper undergarment that will not only help hold a ManHood in place but catch a dislodged ManHood.

6) Sleep in loose clothing or nude to keep your ManHood from being pulled off by tight clothing when the nocturnal erection deflates.

7) Moisturizing is optional so be careful how much you use because when some lotions dry they become sticky and this will cause the ManHood and your skin to stick together. And whatever you use, dilute with water as this helps the moisturizer be absorbed through the skin.

8) A penis will retract to different degrees for many reasons. If this is the case pull your penis out from the base to make it longer before fastening ManHood.

Other ways to protect your sensitivity

Ultraviolet Rays: We place particular importance on protection from ultraviolet rays as they damage and eventually kill nerve endings. Sunscreen will protect skin from sunburn but will not protect skin from thickening. In tanning booths, ManHood will protect without tan lines and provide further protection to porous swimwear when tanning outside.

Masturbation: Frequency, duration, and grip all play a part in determining the extent of desensitization. In actuality, after a while of the hand rubbing up and down and over the penis, the penile glans will eventually resemble the look and texture of that hand. So better to keep your hands off the penile glans by using your existing foreskin during masturbation. If you do not have enough foreskin, keep in mind that there are many documented cases where men have stretched their foreskin to this desired length. If you are tightly circumcised use one of the many masturbating devices that are available today.

Lubricating: If you wish to lubricate the penile glans, we recommend using a light layer of extra virgin olive oil. Extra virgin olive is natural, inexpensive, and does not carry a scent. Mix 50/50 with water in a bottle. Shake the mixture up and use lightly on the glans after a shower. The water will help the oil be absorbed through the skin. I also use this mixture as aftershave and it keeps my cuticles and nails healthy as I massage the mixture into the hair as a conditioner.

    • “From the ancient time onwards, olive extracts have been used as a perfect natural skin moisturizer and rejuvenator. In fact, most natural skin lotions and creams have olive oil as a major ingredient. Olive oil is rich in vitamins and nutrients extremely good for the skin; they include Vitamin E & A, fatty acids, and minerals. This oil helps the skin in wrinkle removal, softening and smoothening, complexion lightening, and moisturizing. It is easy to ward off dry skin issues and scales formation on the skin with the daily application of olive oil over affected areas.”*

*Source: Authority Health

Heat Sources: When in a bath avoid really hot water as it will dry your skin and damage nerve endings. Be gentle with face cloths or loofahs, as they can be quite abrasive. Take the same care when drying with towels. Don’t scrub dry, but allow your glans to drip dry or pat dry with soft tissue. If you like to hang your towel around your waist, first put on your ManHood and protect your penile glans from rubbing against the towel. Shower at will as the water cools by the time it reaches the mid-section.

Cold Sources: The cold causes our skin to dry and chafe. If you live in a colder climate, as we do, it is important to provide your naked glans with protection. ManHood will provide extra warmth by insulating your glans natural heat.

Changing any behavior takes time; like urinating and simply putting your naked penis away. So, there may be times when you initially get frustrated fastening a ManHood but before long it becomes routine. FYI, many uncircumcised men often must pull their foreskin back off the glans before urinating or the urine sprays everywhere. So don’t be alarmed when ManHood occasionally slips off or ManHood was not fastened properly causing an irritation, they will stop as you get used to fastening ManHood properly.

Be aware in some cases the circumcised penis will retract more than an inch when it is tucked away in your pants leaving nothing left for ManHood to grasp. In fact, an unprotected penis retracts because it is cold or being irritated by clothing and searches for its natural protection, the foreskin. Tragically it never finds it. However, with continued use of ManHood, your penis will recover and eventually retract far less because wearing ManHood keeps your naked penile glans warm and free from irritation so he can relax.

So please, this takes a little patience as getting used to changing anything in your life requires commitment. And that requires some time. But I assure you the texture and sensitivity of your glans will improve significantly and hopefully inspire you to start a restoration program where ManHood, in far less time than one would suspect, be of greater benefit by protecting you 24/7.

1) Remove for sexual encounters, urinating, or masturbation.

2) ManHoods are non-transferrable.

3) You can snug on a ManHood but be sure not to restrict blood flow. The ManHood should be easily pulled off the penis while fastening. If you feel any discomfort or pinching when sitting down, this is normally caused by the Velcro tab not being fastened perfectly, and the Velcro contacting the skin.

4) And finally, ManHood has survived all these years because of our testimonials. People learn more from stories than being told what to think.

Washing Instructions; The restoring ManHood can often be gently cleaned using a slightly damp face cloth and air-dried without soaking the ManHood. Or gently wipe with a natural sanitation wipe.  Otherwise; The restoring ManHood should be hand washed in warm water and hang dried completely before wearing. Extras are important. The original ManHood does not lose color and can be washed in a variety of ways, but one way is to machine wash them in a trouser pocket and they will also be easily found. If you wash the restoring ManHood in this manner, please be sure the color has faded away as to not stain other clothing.  They both do not need to be washed as often as you might think. Like an intact man, it is more important to keep your penis clean. If you find the odd restoring ManHood with excess coloring (as some colors or parts of the roll seem more saturated than others) please wash it with colors in the washing machine. To avoid having this coloring transferred to your skin some of the restoring ManHoods should not be worn wet or damp until they have been washed a few times and the color faded. If you choose, wash before wearing. The 4-way stretch restoring ManHoods does not lose color in this way.

We never share your personal information, just the message.  If not I understand. This is personal. Thank you, RT  For questions please check before emailing for answers.